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Housing Minister issues a Ministerial Decision on the Regulations of Government Lands Entitlement Allocated for Fuel Stations by Public Auction

Posted by ikhardan fatima on January 16, 2017
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His Excellency Sheikh Saif bin Mohammed Al Shabibi, Minister of Housing issued a ministerial decision No. (24/2016) regarding government lands entitlement of residential- commercial, commercial and industrial use and those allocated for fuel stations by public auction.

The decision stipulated in the article (1) on applying the provisions of government commercial, residential-commercial- and industrial lands entitlement allocated for the use of fuel stations in the public auction.

 The regulations also required in the article (2) the cancellation of the previous Ministerial Decision No. 60/2007 regarding to government lands entitlement of commercial, residential-commercial and industrial and all that inconsistent with its provisions is cancelled.

Moreover, the regulations of the decision stipulated in the article (3) on the publication of this decision and publish in the Official Gazette and effective from the day following the date of its publication.

The regulations of government lands entitlement of commercial, residential-commercial and industrial lands use and those allocated for fuel stations by public auction stipulated that the ministry may allocate government residential-commercial, commercial and industrial land plots in all detailed schemes by not more than (25%) twenty-five percent of lands and lands of fuel stations use on the main roads for entitlement through public auction

The regulation also stipulated that whoever apply to own government commercial, commercial–residential and industrial lands on public auction should be a natural person, Omani nationality, and not less than (23) Twenty-Three Years old of age in the time of application and the number of land plots he applies to own shall not exceed (2) two plots according to the provisions of this Regulation.

The regulation required that those who apply for land plots allocated for fuel station use on the main roads in the public auction should be Omani nationality, natural person and shall not be less than (23) twenty-three years old of age when applying for a land plot. The applicant should not be an owner of another land plot allocated for fuel station use when submitting his application, whether in his name, or in the name of a company or institution owned by him wholly or partly and the number of land plots he applies to own shall not exceed (1) land plot according to the provisions of this Regulation.

The regulation also required that the land plot intended to be owned for fuel station use in public auction shall not be less than (3000 m2) three thousand square meters of area, except in cases of justified needs of the region according to the technical and planning standards.

Regarding the bidding committee to entitlement of government commercial, residential-commercial-, industrial lands and lands allocated for the use of fuel stations, the regulation clarify that the bidding committee shall be established in the Ministry, and shall be formed by a Ministerial decision, headed by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Housing and the membership of two representatives from each of the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Finance, the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning. The decision shall appoint a deputy chairman from the members of the Committee, to replace him during his absence or in the existence of any circumstances that prevent him from exercising his powers.

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